Who Am I, Facebook?
Researchers in Germany examined how people’s connectedness to social media platforms such as Facebook influence users’ self-concept.
The Factors That Foster Wise Reasoning
Empirical research on wisdom suggests that it’s not so much that some people simply possess wisdom and others lack it, but that our ability to reason wisely depends on a variety of external factors.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring trauma narrative fragmentation in posttraumatic stress disorder, positivity offset in schizophrenia, stress and emotionally neutral memories, and interpersonal dysfunction in borderline personality disorder.
Radboud University Researchers Win First Memrise Prize
The online learning community Memrise, in collaboration with researchers at the University College London, announced a $10,000 prize to be awarded to the research team that developed the best system for quickly learning, and retaining, foreign language vocabulary words.
Eyewitness Confidence Can Predict Accuracy of Identifications, Researchers Find
A new report challenges the perception that eyewitness memory is inherently fallible, finding that eyewitness confidence can indicate the accuracy of identifications made under “pristine” conditions.
Some Strategies to Limit Sugary Drinks May Backfire
One potential strategy for complying with serving limits on sugary drinks — offering smaller cup sizes with free refills — may actually increase individual consumption of sugar-filled beverages.