Workers Pursuing a ‘Calling’ Face a Double-Edged Sword
While those with a calling may be more engaged in professional development, they show less flexibility and struggle to find a job that meets their ideals.
Is There an Ideal Number of Health Messages to Prompt New Habits?
Intending to follow through with health recommendations may depend on how many suggestions your doctor gives.
Contagious Anxiety in Inter-Race Interactions
Simply interacting with someone with a racial bias could cause one to ‘catch’ that anxiety and feel secondhand stress.
Augmented-Reality Technology Could Help Treat ‘Lazy Eye’
Wearable augmented-reality technology may help reduce interocular imbalance as people go about everyday activities.
Harassers Tend to Deflect Blame for Their Behavior, Study Suggests
Research aimed at understanding men who sexually harass subordinates in the workplace suggest these individuals are able to convince themselves they’re not to blame for their behavior.
People in Power May Pick Up Sexual Signals That Aren’t Really There
Psychological scientists have found that people in positions of power may have be swayed into misperceiving sexual interest from subordinates.