Beliefs About Uncommitted Sex May Put Marriages at Risk
An individual’s behaviors and attitudes in relation to uncommitted sexual relationships, even before the marriage, can contribute to marital satisfaction or dissolution.
Hardship During the Great Recession Linked With Lasting Mental Health Declines
People who suffered a financial, housing-related, or job-related hardship as a result of the Great Recession were more likely to show increases in symptoms of depression, anxiety, and problematic drug use several years after the official end of the recession.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring memory and stress-induced cannabis craving, predicting suicidal thoughts and nonfatal attempts, the influence of stress on depression and substance use among same-sex couples, and heterogeneity of the anxiety-related attention bias.
Parental Burnout Can Lead to Harmful Outcomes for Parent and Child
The intense exhaustion of parental burnout can lead parents to feel detached from their children and unsure of their parenting abilities.
A Lack of Background Knowledge Can Hinder Reading Comprehension
Students may find a topic difficult to understand if their background knowledge doesn’t pass a certain threshold, but a quick test can help identify those students who are at risk of falling behind.
Funding for Studying the Value and Impact of the Arts
Psychological scientists interested in researching the value and impact of the arts should apply for grant funding through the National Endowment for the Arts. Two grant opportunities with upcoming deadlines are available.