How Gen Z Changed Its Views on Gender
When I talked to teens for my book iGen in 2015 and 2016, most were skeptical about transgender identities. “They’re just confused,” said one. Another said, “They weren’t born that way. I feel like they’re denying their previous existence. They’re not true to themselves and I kind of don’t like it.” Those beliefs, it turns out, were so mid-2010s. In a 2019 poll, two-thirds of U.S. young adults said they had become increasingly supportive of transgender rights over the last five years. Today’s teens not only support transgender rights, but arrive home from school excited when one of their friends comes out as trans. ...
Combating the ‘Microstress’ That Causes Burnout
Have you had days that exhaust you extraordinarily without any particular reason why? There’s no traumatic event or unpleasant encounter that stands out, no urgent work deadline or health issue weighing on you, nothing hovering in the background that you failed to take care of at home. Yet you feel anxious or beaten down just the same, and perhaps worse, you have no idea why. There’s a common but little-understood reason for that exhaustion. We call it “microstress”—brief, frequent moments of everyday tension that accumulate and impede us even though we don’t register them.
Testing New Gating Block
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum aliquet tortor a porta semper. Sed eget scelerisque massa. Nam consequat elementum pharetra. Mauris fermentum, ipsum eget molestie vehicula, lorem diam scelerisque lacus, vitae consectetur nisl metus in justo. Nullam facilisis felis molestie eros ultrices rutrum. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&ab_channel=RickAstley All blocks are available within the Gating block. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum aliquet tortor a porta semper. Sed eget scelerisque massa. Nam consequat elementum pharetra.
APS Announces Winners of 2023 Student Poster Awards
Student researchers share their motivations and personal stories behind their award-winning posters featured at the APS 2023 Annual Convention.
Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Funding Opportunities
Psychological scientists conducting research in Canada may find the following opportunities of interest. The Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council offers three standing funding opportunities.
People Differ Widely in Their Understanding of Even a Simple Concept Such as the Word ‘Penguin’
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word “penguin” as “any of various erect short-legged flightless aquatic birds (family Spheniscidae) of the southern hemisphere.” That description seems simple enough, but definitions are not what people have in mind when they actually use words. Instead people think of concepts: the myriad properties, ideas, examples and associations that spring to mind when we think about a word. Our concepts are crucial to exactly what we mean when we use language, and new research has found that the concepts people hold, even for a word like penguin, vary from person to person on a shockingly frequent basis.