Is Fear Deficit a Harbinger of Future Psychopaths?
Psychopaths are charming, but they often get themselves and others in big trouble; their willingness to break social norms and lack of remorse means they are often at risk for crimes and other irresponsible behaviors. One hypothesis on how psychopathy works is that it has to do with a fear deficit. A new study, which will be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that children with a particular risk factor for psychopathy don't register fear as quickly as healthy children. The hypothesis that psychopaths don't feel or recognize fear dates back to the 1950s, says the study’s primary author Patrick D.
Hidup Terlalu Ceria Bisa Mati Muda
Media Indonesia: Para ilmuwan mengklaim, setelah menemukan bahwa orang yang terlalu bahagia mati lebih muda daripada mereka yang lebih pesimistis. Berdasarkan Telegraph, para peneliti menemukan bahwa anak-anak yang dinilai sangat ceria di sekolah akan mati muda daripada teman sekelas mereka yang kebalikannya. Diyakini, itu semua karena anak yang ceria cenderung hidup lebih riang yang penuh bahaya dan pilihan gaya hidup tidak sehat. Baca/Read more: Media Indonesia
Feeling happy? Don’t be too smug as chances are you will die young
The Telegraph: Researchers found that children who are rated "highly cheerful" at school went onto die younger than their more reserved class mates. This is because they are likely to lead more carefree lives full of danger and unhealthy lifestyle choices, it is believed. They may also be more likely to suffer from mental problems such as bipolar depression which sees moods swing from extreme happiness to debilitating sadness. Being too cheerful – especially at inappropriate times – can also rouse anger in others, increasing the risk of a person coming to harm. The study by a variety of universities analysed the details of children from the 1920s to old age.
Want Lasting Love? It’s Not More Commitment, but Equal Commitment That Matters
It’s not partners’ individual commitments that make the most difference in how well they address conflict, but rather how well their levels of commitment match up.
Los inmigrantes recurren a la comida basura para integrarse en EEUU
Yahoo Espana: Numerosos extranjeros que viven en Estados Unidos han adoptado la hipercalórica cocina estadounidense en parte debido a que tiene buenos precios y es fácil de conseguir, pero también porque es una manera de demostrar su integración al país adoptivo, según un estudio. Los inmigrantes que se alimentan con comida estadounidense consumen de media 187 calorías y 7 gramos de grasas saturadas más de lo que consumirían si se alimentaran siguiendo su propia gastronomía y se exponen por tanto a sufrir obesidad o sobrepeso tanto como los dos tercios de la población norteamericana, según un estudio publicado en la revista Psychological Science de junio. Leer más/Read more: Yahoo Espana
Magt avler utroskab
Videnskab Denmark: Listen med eksempler på magtfulde mænd med lidt for løse lynlåse i bukserne er nærmest uendelig. Vi nævner i flæng: Jens Otto Krag, kong Carl Gustaf, Tiger Woods, Brad Pitt, David Letterman, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Silvio Berlusconi og senest Arnold Schwarzenegger og direktøren for Den Internationale Valutafond, Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Mænd i magtfulde stillinger er selvfølgelig ekstra meget i mediernes søgelys, så der bliver kastet skarpt lys på deres privatliv. Læs mere/Read more: Videnskab Denmark