‘Situational specificity of tolerance’ not caffeine behind Four Loko’s intoxicating effect
Yahoo News India: A new study has dismissed previous claims that caffeine in the fruity alcoholic beverage, Four Loko, is responsible for the spike in alcohol-related hospitalizations. "Four Loko didn't have the extraordinary intoxicating effect because of caffeine, but rather because of the phenomenon of situational specificity of tolerance", said Shepard Siegel of McMaster University. The 'situational specificity of tolerance' implies that alcohol will have a greater effect if administered in the presence of unusual cues, rather than in familiar settings typically associated with the drug. Read more:Yahoo India News
Does Our Personality Affect Our Level of Attractiveness?
Part of what determines how much success you will have in the dating world is whether you have a good sense of whether people find you attractive. A new study, which will be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that certain personality traits contribute to being a good judge of whether someone else thinks you’re worth meeting again. The study is one of a series to come out of a big speed-dating experiment held in Berlin about five years ago.
How To Spot A Commitment Phobe
Marie Claire Australia: A new survey to be published in the June issue of Psychological Science reveals that a commitment phobe may be easier to spot than you think. According to scientists at the University of Minnesota, to determine your partner's true level of commitment, all you need to do is ask about their childhood. "Supportive, involved mothering in toddlerhood and an ability to work through conflict in adolescence are good predictors of becoming the 'strong link'—the person with the bigger stake—in adult relationships," said spokesperson M. Minda Oriña. Read more: Marie Claire Australia
The Science Behind The Mean Girl Phenomenon
Allure Magazine: We've all seen mean girls (and no, I'm not just referring to the movie). The backhanded compliments, the whispering, even the Twitter death threats (poor Selena Gomez!)—chances are, if you've experienced junior high, you know exactly what we're talking about. But now there may just be science to back up the female tendency towards this particularly bitchy form of bullying. Read more: Allure Magazine
Report: Four Loko Still Has ‘Extraordinary Intoxicating Effects’
Huffington Post: The manufacturer of Four Loko may have removed caffeine from the drink in advance of a Food and Drug Administration crackdown on caffeinated alcoholic beverages last fall, but a new report suggests that the canned cocktail may still have hyper-intoxicating effects -- regardless of the reformulation. In an article for the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science, Dr. Shepard Siegel of McMaster University in Canada said Four Loko -- and other similarly sweet alcoholic beverages -- may be particularly "effective intoxicants." The reason? They provide a novel flavor context for the alcohol. Read more: Huffington Post
Early Bonds Predict Ability to Commit
Discovery News: The ability to commit to a romantic partner may be more rooted in childhood and adolescence than previously thought, according to research to be published in the journal Psychological Science next month. Though previous studies address how differences in commitment levels predict a relationship's failure, little attention has been given to the role of family and friend bonds throughout life. Researchers found that people with lower quality relationships as toddlers and teens tended to be less committed to their love interests later on. Read more: Discovery News