5 Things You Do That Stress Him Out
Cosmopolitan: 1. You Hold A Grudge People whose partners recover well from fights report higher relationship satisfaction, according to research published in the journal Psychological Science. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true: When you hold on to and keep bringing up past beef, even after the fight is supposedly resolved, your dude is going to be unhappy in the relationship. Read more: Cosmopolitan
Dlaczego czerwony to ostrzeżenie? Winna ewolucja
Polskie Radio: Traktowanie przez ludzi czerwieni jako koloru ostrzegającego o niebezpieczeństwie może mieć podłoże ewolucyjne - informują naukowcy na stronie "Psychological Science". Czerwony kolor sygnalizuje niebezpieczeństwo, ale również dominację. Ale to nie tylko kulturowy zwyczaj. Stoi za tym biologia. Podczas olimpiady w 2004 roku prowadzono badania, z których wynikło, że zapaśnicy w czerwieni częściej wygrywali z niebieskimi. Jak się okazuje, czerwień działa nie tylko na ludzi. Czerwonego koloru boją się małpy, kojarząc go z zagrożeniem. Read more: Polskie Radio
Your first time… A new poll rates people’s most memorable events from kisses to mid-life crises
Daily Mail: That first kiss is regarded by many as a life-changing moment. But a new poll ranked it as seventh on a scale of people’s most memorable experiences. Over 2,000 people across the UK were asked to rate their top 15 firsts from getting drunk to having a mid life crisis and reveal the age at which the event occurred. Read more: Daily Mail
Redd for rødt
Forskning Norway: Farger virker på oss, og rødt virker sterkest. Nå har forsøk med makake-aper vist at når vi ”ser rødt”, så er reaksjonen trolig impregnert i genene. Men rødt er ikke bare sinne. Rødt er også frykt – som for eksempel når vi ser at noen er rød i fjeset av sinne. Forskere fra Dartmouth College i USA gjorde forsøk med viltlevende rhesusaper (Macaca mulatta) i Puerto Rico. De viste frykt for rødt. Mannlige og kvinnelige forsøkspersoner kledte seg i forskjellige farger, og tilbød apene en fristende epleskive på et plastfat. Read more: Forskning Norway
New Research From Psychological Science
Do 18-Month-Olds Really Attribute Mental States to Others? A Critical Test Atsushi Senju, Victoria Southgate, Charlotte Snape, Mark Leonard, and Gergely Csibra Studies have suggested that infants can attribute beliefs to other people. In an independent test of this hypothesis, infants were blindfolded with an opaque blindfold (opaque condition) or a transparent blindfold that appeared opaque (trick condition). Then both groups watched a video of an actor wearing a blindfold while a puppet (the white bear) removed a toy from a box.
L’amore in una coppia? È come il tango
Style Italia: Non è il caso di mettersi a "lavorare" da soli per salvare la coppia, quando ci sono dei problemi e il partner non si sta più impegnando. Non servirà. Anzi, è addirittura controproducente che uno dei due sia dia molto da fare, mentre l'altro trascura la relazione. Lo dice la ricerca (pubblicata sull'ultimo numero di "Psychological Science", la rivista della Association for Psychological Science) di sei studiosi, Minda Oriña del St. Olaf College; Andrew Collins, Jeffry Simpson, Jessica Salvatore e John Kim dell'Università del Minnesota e Katherine Haydon della University of Illinois. Leggere piu/Read more: Style Italia