Schadenfreude: Why the News Corp Phone Hacking Scandal Makes Some People Smile
Scientific American: Until very recently, even Rupert Murdoch 's sharpest critics might have admitted to envying the 80-year-old arch-conservative News Corporation CEO, who built a far-reaching media empire almost from scratch and made himself outstandingly rich even among billionaires. Now, though, amidst a phone hacking and corruption scandal that threatens to permanently damage his company, Murdoch is struggling to defend himself. Summoned to testify in front of a British Parliament committee investigating the scandal on Tuesday, he called it "the most humble day" of his career—and that was before a protester flung a shaving cream pie at his face. Read more: Scientific American
3rd Scientific Meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology
September 7 - 9, 2011 in Basel, Switzerland www.esn2011.org/
17th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP)
29 September 2011 - 2 October 2011 Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain www.bcbl.eu/events/escop2011
Where Is Embodiment Going?
A Plenary Symposium on Embodiment at the 17th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP) cosponsored by the Association for Psychological Science and ESCOP 30 September 2011 l Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain Chair Gün R. Semin, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Presenters: Arthur Glenberg, Arizona State University, USA Norbert Schwarz and Spike W.S. Lee, University of Michigan, USA Gabriella Vigliocco, UCL, UK Bernhard Hommel, Leiden University, NL More Information: www.bcbl.eu/events/escop2011/conference/verdetalle/1301994306
FY2012 OppNet Funding Opportunity: Sleep and social environment: Basic biopsychosocial processes (R21)
Application due date: September 30, 2011 OppNet, NIH’s Basic Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Opportunity Network, has released its first FY2012 funding opportunity: Sleep and social environment: Basic biopsychosocial processes (R21) It solicits Research Project Grant (R21) applications that propose to investigate the reciprocal interactions of the processes of sleep and circadian regulation and function with behavioral and social environment processes. Sleep is a complex biological phenomenon essential to normal behavioral and social functioning, and optimal health.
Soccer: le secret des tirs de barrage
Metro Montreal: Au lendemain de la défaite des États-Unis contre le Japon en tirs de barrage dimanche en finale de la Coupe du monde de soccer féminin, il est de bon ton de se pencher sur une étude qui affirme que les gardiens de but ont tendance à plonger à droite plus souvent quand leur équipe tire de l’arrière durant une fusillade. Pendant les tirs au but, les Américaines n’ont fait mouche qu’une fois en quatre tentatives, tandis que les Japonaises ont marqué trois fois sur quatre frappes. Or, à chacun des quatre tirs nippons, la gardienne américaine s’est lancée vers la droite… Intéressant. Lire plus: Metro Montreal