The Self-Help That No One Needs Right Now
Nothing about The Body Keeps the Score screams “best seller.” Written by the psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk, the book is a graphic account of his decades-long career treating survivors of traumatic experiences such as rape, incest, and war. Page after page, readers are asked to wrestle with van der Kolk’s theory that trauma can sever the connection between the mind, which wants to forget what happened, and the body, which can’t. The book isn’t academic, exactly, but it’s dense and difficult material written with psychology students in mind.
Facebook’s Own Data is Not as Conclusive as You Think About Teens and Mental Health
On Tuesday, Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen testified before a Senate panel. The hearing's focus was advertised as "protecting kids online." ... Researchers have worked for decades to tease out the relationship between teen media use and mental health. Although there is debate, they tend to agree that the evidence we've seen so far is complex, contradictory and ultimately inconclusive. That is equally true of Facebook's internal marketing data, leaked by Haugen, as it is of the validated studies on the topic. Opinion versus fact The leaked Facebook research consists of opinion surveys and interviews.
California Will Require Large Retailers to Provide Gender-Neutral Toy Sections
California became the first state in the nation Saturday to adopt a law requiring large retail stores to provide gender-neutral toy sections under a bill signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom. The new law, which takes effect in 2024, says that retail stores with 500 or more employees must sell some toys and child-care products outside of areas specifically labeled by gender. Retailers can continue to offer other toys and child-care goods in traditional boys and girls sections if they choose to. ...
The Ghastly Impact of Being Ghosted
While the fanciful frights of a Halloween ghost quickly fade, the impact of online ghosting may last much longer and have some genuinely frightening impacts later in life.
MyVirtualChild is an interactive web-based simulation that allows you to raise a child from birth to age 18 and monitor the effects of your parenting decisions over time. This engaging website lets you apply the key concepts that you are learning in class. And just like in real life, certain unplanned events will be presented to you.
Chemistry Between People: A Sum of Their Connections
Have you ever felt a special “spark” with someone—an intense bond with a potential partner, friend, or colleague? When individuals experience chemistry, they experience their interaction as something more than the sum of their separate contributions.