Keeping a diary can help you to lose weight
AOL UK: If losing weight is one of your New Year's resolutions, it might be a good idea to start keeping a diary. New research, published in Psychological Science, showed that women who write about what they think and feel are more likely to lose weight than those who don't. Researchers at Canada's University of Waterloo studied 45 overweight female undergraduates. Half of the group were asked to write down their thoughts on their most important value and the other half were asked to write about a less important issue. Those who had written about an important value lost an average of 3.14lb, while the other group gained an average of 2.76lb. Read the full story: AOL UK
Meta-Analysis Helps Psychologists Build Knowledge
When scientists want to know the answer to a question that’s been studied a great deal, they conduct something called a meta-analysis, pooling data from multiple studies to arrive at one combined answer. Some people think this creates a chilling effect, shutting off further inquiry. But the authors of a new paper published in Perspectives in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, write that meta-analysis actually helps scientific fields develop. There are many meta-analyses in psychology and medicine, areas where studies find often conflicting results.
The Map in Our Head
The Wall Street Journal: When you’re strolling in your home city, and you see someone with pull out a map, you can be pretty sure you’re looking at a tourist. But a new study suggests that a map-like spatial orientation is layered on top of people’s understanding of even highly familiar places. In other words, you may not have a map stashed in a fanny pack, but you can’t escape the way of looking at the world that maps tutor us in. From a new study in Psychological Science: "We examined how a highly familiar environmental space—one’s city of residence—is represented in memory.
Emotional Expression: The Brain and the Face
The Facial Emotion Expression Lab (FEELab) at the University Fernando Pessoa Health Sciences School on behalf of his Head, Professor Freitas-Magalhaes is in the process of preparing the edited volume entitled “Emotional Expression: The Brain and the Face” (Volume 5). If your area of research fits in well in this edited volume, and have a paper to be interest for this book, we invite you to submit for consideration a paper (theoretical or research) on your area of research. This Project has become a global interaction and scientific production tool, of inestimable usefulness in the academic world in the Studies in Brain, Face and Emotion series.
National Council Awards of Excellence 2012
Nominations are now open for the National Council Awards of Excellence in Behavioral Health Organizations and Consumer Leaders to be honored for innovative practices and pisionary leadership at the National Council Awards of Excellence Dinner in April 2012. The deadline for nominations is January 15, 2012. For more information visit: http://www.thenationalcouncil.org/cs/overview_categories
Il linguaggio dell’amore esiste
La Stampa: Il linguaggio dell’amore esiste, eccome. E non solo esiste, ma sembra essere persino un elemento predittivo di un rapporto felice e duraturo, affermano alcuni psicologi. A quanto pare sia gli uomini che le donne sono fortemente attratti dalle persone dell’altro sesso che parlano in modo simile al loro: questo è quanto asseriscono alcuni ricercatori dell’Università del Texas (Usa), i quali affermano sulle pagine di Psychological Science, su cui è stato pubblicato lo studio, che lo stile di linguaggio adottato da un maschio e una femmina in seguito al loro incontro potrebbe prevedere se i due sono candidati al fidanzamento.