Romantic Jealousy and Self-Esteem
In case you missed it, the cameras were rolling at the 23rd APS Annual Convention in Washington, DC. Watch Jessica L. Bowler from Pitzer College present her poster session research on “Self-Esteem and Components of Romantic Jealousy.” Bowler distributed a survey that described four scenarios designed to induce romantic jealousy. Then she analyzed participants’ responses in relation to self-esteem. She found that participants with high self-esteem were less likely to be jealous after reading the scenarios. Participants with low self-esteem were likely to become more insecure, more anxious, more distressed, and less trusting in response to hypothetical infidelity situations.
Qual o sexo da voz de Deus?
Yahoo! Brasil: Essa pergunta tem sido feita por místicos através das eras, mas no santuário do cinema a voz sonora, de autoridade, que inspira medo e ao mesmo tempo uma presença familiar é, invariavelmente, masculina. Lembre-se dos trailers e da voz onisciente, sem corpo, que introduz os espectadores ao mundo ficcional. "A maioria dos trailers de filmes são barulhentos e fortes e os estúdios querem um impacto masculino, tanto no vocal quanto na temática", disse Jeff Danis, representante de dubladores, "Mesmo se for uma comédia romântica ou filme sem ação, eles ainda querem mostrar um certo poder e drama que a voz masculina tende a transmitir em maior escala".
Thinking Outside the Box — Literally
The Wall Street Journal: Just how potent is the metaphor “thinking outside the box”? To find out, researchers built a literal box out of PVC pipe and cardboard — 5′ cubed. Roughly 100 test subjects were given a 10-question word-association test designed to measure one kind of creativity (sample item: What one word links “measure,” “worm,” “video”?). As they answered, participants sat inside the box, sat outside of it, or sat in a room sans box. People sitting outside the box answered more questions correctly than either of the other two groups (and the difference couldn’t be explained by claustrophobia or confusion, both of which were measured).
Stay awake chaps! Pillow talk really does matter to the ladies
Daily Mail: It is easy to dismiss as just sweet nothings, but the key to relationship happiness may be in your pillow talk. Scientists have found that women whose partners finish off a night of passion by immediately turning over and nodding off are left feeling insecure and craving affection. Psychologists at the University of Michigan said cuddling and talking after sex is a crucial way for a couple to express their commitment to each other. In relationship terms, they say it could be just as important as what happens before sex, or even the act itself. They questioned 456 heterosexual people, who completed online surveys about their sleep patterns with their partner.
Facebook is Not Such a Good Thing for Those with Low Self-Esteem
In theory, the social networking website Facebook could be great for people with low self-esteem. Sharing is important for improving friendships. But in practice, people with low self-esteem seem to behave counterproductively, bombarding their friends with negative tidbits about their lives and making themselves less likeable, according to a new study which will be published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. “We had this idea that Facebook could be a really fantastic place for people to strengthen their relationships,” says Amanda Forest, a graduate student at the University of Waterloo. She cowrote the new study with her advisor, Joanne Wood.
Understanding Romantic Relationships
For advice on love, you’re probably better off going to Elaine Hatfield than Dr. Drew. In her more than 40 years of research, Hatfield has taken an empirical approach to understanding different facets of romantic relationships, including physical attraction, relationship satisfaction, sexuality, and emotional intimacy. She pioneered the theory that there exist two types of romantic love, passionate and companionate. Though intense, irrational passionate love differs greatly from deeply affectionate and stable companionate love, Hatfield has found that both have an impact on relationship satisfaction and longevity.