Members in the Media
From: Scientific American

Set SMART resolutions in 2014!

Scientific American:

As we approach the beginning of a new year, many people will be heading into 2014 with a long list of resolutions that they intend to tackle. Yet even though we all believe that our own goals are particularly important and meaningful, some of these resolutions will be better than others. In fact, psychological research on goals can clue us in to which resolutions will be more likely to end in success, and which will probably end up flopping before the snow even melts.

First, you can go “easy” or you can go “difficult.” For example, if you were thinking about setting goals to help you amp up your fitness, a goal on the “easy” end of the spectrum might involve walking once a week or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. A more “difficult” goal might involve training for a marathon or committing yourself to daily workouts.

Read the whole story: Scientific American

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