Members in the Media
From: NPR

Human Reviewers Can’t Keep Up With Police Bodycam Videos. AI Now Gets the Job

“Who will watch the watchmen?” In the age of police body cameras, the answer may be “artificial intelligence.”

“For us, it’s a game changer,” says Jennifer Eberhardt, a psychology professor at Stanford whose work on race and crime won her a MacArthur “genius grant.”

She leads a team of researchers who used AI to help review and analyze videos of nearly 600 traffic stops by Oakland police.

“We could look at the first 27 seconds of the stop, the first roughly 45 words that the officer spoke, and we could use this model to predict whether that driver was going to be handcuffed, searched or arrested by the end of the stop,” she says.

Read the whole story (subscription may be required): NPR

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