European Collaboration Opportunity for Researchers with NSF Grants

Mechanism pairs NSF grantees with partners at the European Research Council

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced a collaborative opportunity with the European Research Council (ERC) to connect scientists conducting similar research. Through this opportunity, various ERC-funded researchers and research groups will host NSF-funded researchers for up to a year. This opportunity presents a great chance for psychological scientists with NSF funding to connect with European colleagues supported through the ERC funding system.

The solicitation invites current NSF grantees to submit supplemental funding requests for research visits to any ERC-funded European research group from a list of those identified by the ERC. Early-career researchers and scientists at similar career levels are especially encouraged to apply. European hosts will provide the funding for in-country living expenses; NSF will provide the funding for travel to and from Europe (not to exceed $20,000).

To submit for supplemental funding for this opportunity, scientists should consult their NSF program director and submit a request including the following:

  • Description of the research to be performed during the visit at the host location and how it relates to current research and broad career goals
  • 2-page biographical sketch of the US applicant
  • 2-page biographical sketch of the ERC-funded host
  • Timeline for the proposed activity
  • Budget and budget justification (e.g., estimated airfare, ground transportation to and from airport, baggage fees)
  • Communication from the department chair of the US applicant endorsing the visit
  • Communication from the ERC-funded PI host indicating:
    1. how the proposed visit fits within the ERC-funded project
    2. facilities and resources to be made available to the NSF awardee
    3. expectations that the ERC-funded PI host has for the NSF awardee’s visit
  • Endorsement of the visit from the ERC-funded host institution

The deadline to apple for supplemental funding for FY 2020 funding is May 15, 2020.

For more information and a full list of appropriate ERC-funded European research groups, please contact Roxanne Nikolaus, Program Director, Office of International Science and Engineering, (703) 292-7578. Email: [email protected].

View the full Dear Colleague Letter regarding this opportunity here.

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