- Your APS poster should have a succinct title that describes the main finding of your research. Keep in mind that the poster title will be listed in convention materials without the abstract and meeting attendees often use the titles to decide which posters to visit. When possible, the title should indicate the important result, rather than the experimental question.
- Select either a standard poster, or one of the special categories (e.g., Teaching Institute Poster, Cross-Cutting Theme Poster). You can find more information about poster types in the Submission Rules and Guidelines.
- The abstract should briefly describe your research findings (50 words maximum).
- Choose the major subject area to which your research belongs. This is used to match your proposal with the best-suited APS reviewer. Subject areas: Biological/Neuroscience; Clinical Science; Cognitive; Developmental; General; Industrial/Organizational; Methodology; Personality/Emotion; Social
- Select one keyword from the drop down list that best represents your poster. Keywords are used to organize presentations by topic in poster sessions.
- The lead author on the research project should be listed first, even if not attending the convention.
- University, business, government, or other organizational affiliations and individual email addresses must be included for all presenters/co-authors.
- A maximum of 15 presenters/co-authors may be included.
- The summary should describe the study in detail, including methods and results (500 words maximum). You may include references, which count toward the word limit.
Reminder: Submissions should clearly state that data collection is from an empirical study and is complete.
- Your symposium should have a succinct title that describes the main topic of the symposium. Keep in mind that the symposium title may be listed in convention materials without the abstract and meeting attendees often use the titles to decide which symposia to attend.
- The abstract should briefly describe the research that will be discussed in the symposium (50 words maximum).
- Chair (required): name; university, business or government affiliation; email address
- Presenters 1, 2, 3 (3 presenters are required): presentation title; name; university, business or government affiliation; email address
- Presenter 4 (4th presenter is optional): presentation title; name; university, business or government affiliation; email address
- Discussant (optional): name; university, business or government affiliation; email address
- Abstract of each individual presentation (optional): 50 word maximum
- Co-authors on each presentation (optional): who are not speaking at the convention, but who are listed in the program (up to 5)
- The supporting summary should describe the overall symposium in detail. In this section, you are encouraged to include information about how the symposium meets the dual goals of providing diversity of perspective and integrating those perspectives into a meaningful whole. (500 words maximum). You may include references, which count toward the word limit.
Reminder: Submissions should clearly state that data collection is from an empirical study and is complete.