Congratulations to the 2025 APS Award Recipients

2025 APS Award Recipients logo

APS honors members in the earliest stages of their careers as well as accomplished leaders with the field’s most prestigious awards and recognitions.

This recognition is a critical part of supporting and encouraging scientific advances in our field. The dramatic advances in psychological science over the past three decades reflect the outstanding accomplishments of APS members and fellows.

2025 APS Award Recipients

2025 APS James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award

Honoring APS members for their lifetime of significant intellectual achievements in applied psychological research and their impact on a critical problem in society at large.

J. Lawrence Aber, New York University
Eric Johnson, Columbia University
Christina Maslach, University of California, Berkeley

2025 APS James S. Jackson Lifetime Achievement Award for Transformative Scholarship

Honoring APS members for their lifetime of outstanding psychological research that advances understanding of historically disadvantaged racial and ethnic groups and/or understanding of the psychological and societal benefits of racial/ethnic diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Steven Lopez, University of Southern California
Margaret Beale Spencer, University of Chicago

2025 APS Mentor Award

Recognizing APS members who have significantly fostered the careers of others, honoring those who masterfully help students and others find their own voices and discover their own research and career goals.

William Crano, Claremont Graduate University
Dacher Keltner, University of California, Berkeley
Elizabeth A. Phelps, Harvard University
Norbert Schwarz, University of Southern California
L. Monique Ward, University of Michigan

2025 APS William James Fellow Award

Honoring APS members for their lifetime of significant intellectual contributions to the basic science of psychology.

Lisa Feldman Barrett, Northeastern University
Randall W. Engle, Georgia Institute of Technology
Arie Kruglanski, University of Maryland College Park

APS Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions

Recognizing APS members who have made transformative early career contributions to psychological science.

Recipients to be announced January 2025.