Inside the Psychologist’s Studio: Steven Pinker
Steven Pinker is widely regarded as one of the world’s most influential scientific scholars. His work has spanned visual cognition, children’s language development, the neural bases of words and grammar, and the psychology of Visit Page
Inside the Psychologist’s Studio: Michael Posner
Michael I. Posner is a pioneer in the field of cognitive neuroscience, and was one of the first researchers to use then-emerging brain-imaging techniques to understand the brain processes underlying complex tasks. Posner studied the role of attention in tasks such as reading and number processing, and the development of attentional networks in infants and young children. He devised the Posner Cueing Task, which measures an individual's ability to shift attention. He received the highest scientific honor in the United States in 2009 when he was awarded the National Medal of Science.
Inside the Psychologist’s Studio: Jerome Bruner
Legendary psychological scientist Jerome S. Bruner, who made groundbreaking contributions to cognitive psychology and the science of perception, died in June 2016 at the age of 100. The APS Williams James Fellow reflected on his life and career in a March 2013 interview with historian Robin Cautin.
Featured Interview – Dr. Raymond Green
Online Psychology Degrees: Interview with Dr. Raymond Green: The science behind psychology, and emerging trends in the field Watch the interview here
A New Way to Study Clinical Psychological Science
Founding Editor Alan E. Kazdin wants APS’s newest journal, Clinical Psychological Science (CPS), to be a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, international publication that draws from a variety of fields and methods. “It’s not that we want diversity for diversity’s sake,” Kazdin says. “We want to solve problems, and that’s what requires the diversity.” Traditionally, clinical journals have been highly specialized. Such journals are great for finding the latest research on a specific subject, such as addiction, or personality disorders, but until recently, there has not been a single journal that collects the latest research in all areas of clinical psychology.
Inside the Psychologist’s Studio: Elizabeth Loftus
APS Past President Elizabeth Loftus speaks about her research — investigating false memory, the reliability of eyewitness reports, and memories “recovered” through therapy — and its impact on how we think about eyewitness testimony. Visit Page