Everyday Sadists Take Pleasure In Others’ Pain
People who score high on a measure of sadism seem to derive pleasure from behaviors that hurt others, and are even willing to expend extra effort to make someone else suffer, a study shows.
Why “Occupy Wall Street” Fizzled
The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street came into existence at roughly the same time, in the wake of the financial markets’ collapse, and each was an angry challenge to the country’s financial and political
Diet or Exercise: Which Matters More for Weight Loss?
Women’s Health: You know you should exercise and eat healthfully to keep your weight in check. The thing is, research suggests that when people devote time to one healthy habit, they spend less time on
Warum sich Frauen Gesichter besser merken (Why do women remember faces better)
ORF Austria: “Die Art und Weise, wie unser Blick über Gesichter streift, beeinflusst unsere Fähigkeit, jemanden wiederzuerkennen”, sagt Jennifer Heisz von der McMaster University in Kanada. Sie hat soeben Frauen und Männern Bilder von Gesichtern
What Causes Obesity? Answer May Affect Your Waistline
LiveScience: People’s beliefs about what causes obesity may affect their waistlines, according to a new report. People who named a lack of exercise as the main cause of obesity were more likely to be heavier
So Damn Superior: Parsing Partisan Politics
The Huffington Post: A new Gallup poll shows that Americans’ confidence in the Congress is at an all-time low. A measly 10 percent of citizens express confidence in lawmakers, and most say they have little